<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <feed xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:opensearch="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/" xmlns:s="http://jadedpixel.com/-/spec/shopify"> <id>https://cfrdirect.com/blogs/news.atom</id> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://cfrdirect.com/blogs/news"/> <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="https://cfrdirect.com/blogs/news/tagged/office-furniture-liquidation.atom"/> <title>Commercial Furniture Resource - Blog</title> <updated>2025-02-27T12:36:02-05:00</updated> <author> <name>Commercial Furniture Resource</name> </author> <entry> <id>https://cfrdirect.com/blogs/news/need-cash-fast-here-s-where-to-sell-office-furniture-in-nj</id> <published>2022-11-10T04:53:56-05:00</published> <updated>2022-11-23T13:25:24-05:00</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://cfrdirect.com/blogs/news/need-cash-fast-here-s-where-to-sell-office-furniture-in-nj"/> <title>Need Cash Fast? Here’s Where to Sell Office Furniture in NJ</title> <author> <name>RICHARD MARTHENS</name> </author> <summary type="html"> <![CDATA[<span>If you’re looking to upgrade your office furniture, consider using the money you made from selling your old furniture and exploring rented or leased furniture instead. This gives you the flexibility of having furniture when you want it, but never paying for what you don’t need. For a flexible business in today’s world, options like renting from a furniture store in NJ are smart!</span><p><a class="read-more" href="https://cfrdirect.com/blogs/news/need-cash-fast-here-s-where-to-sell-office-furniture-in-nj">More</a></p>]]> </summary> <content type="html"> <![CDATA[<p>The economy is volatile, and many are looking for ways to get cash fast. Do you have extra office furniture lying around your office? Why not sell it for funds, or exchange it for a new look? Keep reading to see how a <a href="https://cfrdirect.com/pages/liquidations">used office furniture store in NJ</a> can help put cash in your pocket.</p> <p><strong><span>Sell New and Used Office Furniture in NJ</span></strong></p> <p>If your team has downsized in the past few years, you may find yourself sitting around a bunch of empty desks, chairs, and workstations. Not a fun choice—and with rents as high as they are, just the space to store this old furniture could be eating away at your profits. Fortunately, you can offload that old office furniture at a used furniture store in New Jersey. When you sell your old office furniture, you’ll be amazed by how much easier everyday operations and planning can be. Don’t wait—bring that old furniture by now to see how valuable it could be.</p> <p><strong><span>Upgrade Your Current Office Furniture With Rented or Leased Furniture</span></strong></p> <p>If you’re looking to upgrade your office furniture, consider using the money you made from selling your old furniture and <span style="color: #000000;"><a href="https://commercialfurniturerentals.com/" target="_blank" title="Office Furniture on Rent or Lease" style="color: #000000;" rel="noopener noreferrer">exploring rented or leased furniture</a></span> instead. This gives you the flexibility of having furniture when you want it, but never paying for what you don’t need. For a flexible business in today’s world, options like renting from a furniture store in NJ are smart!</p> <p><strong><span>Buy New Office Furniture on a Budget</span></strong></p> <p>While you’re already visiting a <a href="https://cfrdirect.com">used furniture store in NJ</a>, why not consider upgrading your most important furniture pieces on a budget? Shopping pre-owned is smart because you can find the best office furniture at deep discounts, such as warehouse closeouts or liquidation sales.</p> <p>For all of your furniture needs in New Jersey, visit Commercial Furniture Resource Direct today!</p>]]> </content> </entry> </feed>